Powder Dosing - Transvac
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Powder Dosing

Powder & Solids Dosing

using Ejectors for Water Treatment

Our Liquid Jet Solids Pumps (Ejectors) offer a versatile option for entraining, dosing, mixing and pumping solids into liquids. The venturi principle offers many advantages over other types of high-shear mixing equipment on the market. Robust and highly reliable with no moving parts to wear, our units are virtually maintenance free. As such our Ejectors offer a more reliable alternative to traditional Dosing Pumps.


Available in either stationary, portable or mobile models, the custom designed Liquid Jet Solids Pump (LSP) units can be supplied as individual items or complete skid mounted systems including motive pump, valves etc.


Powder can be loaded manually or automatically using screw feeders at ground level, thereby keeping powder handling at a minimum. In many cases fluid energy from existing pumps can be used which eliminates the need for additional power. Depending upon the process conditions operation can be on a once-through or recirculation basis.

Ejector with Hopper for dosing powder into water

Powder & Solids Dosing Gallery

Dosing system with hopper and wash-down

Hygienic design hopper and Ejector

Powder dosing system with protective hood

Fully-enclosed powder dosing solution for manual bag handling

Stand-alone Powder Dosing Ejector with tri-clamp fittings

A complete automated powder dosing solution

Typical Solids Dosed for Water Treatment

  • Powdered or granular chemicals
  • Ion exchange resin
  • Magnesium oxide
  • Lime

  • Powdered activated carbon (PAC)
  • Alginates
  • Sand filtrate
  • Pulverised fly ash

  • Granular Activated Carbon (GAK)
  • Dye powders
  • Barium carbonate
  • Anthracite

Advantages of Ejectors for Powder & Solids Dosing

Reduced manual powder handling

No moving parts

Complete mixing of powders and liquids

Materials to suit process

Low level operation

Reduced batch times

No maintenance

Existing pumps can often be used


Compact design

Materials of Construction


Materials of construction can be varied to suit the process environment. Stainless steel, carbon steel, polypropylene, PTFE and other materials are available with connections to suit. Where required, our products  can be designed to comply with stringent hygiene requirements using polished stainless steel and sanitary fittings.


Further information on materials of construction for our products can be found here.

Solids Dosing Ejector with triclamp fittings